GeoRes4Dev 2024 scholarships - Call for application


The "Geological Resources for Development – GeoRes4Dev" project, phase 2024 to 2029, funded by Belgian cooperation, is developed by the Geodynamics and Mineral Resources department of the Royal Museum for Central Africa (MRAC), Tervuren, Belgium, in partnership with African universities, focusing on the contribution of natural resources to sustainable development. It includes, among other things, the supervision by GeoRes4Dev team scientists of final thesis work (Master, DEA, Doctorate, Post-doctorate) of professional scientists enrolled in these partner African universities.
We are pleased to announce the launch of a call for applications for 6 scholarships on the following topics:

For the "West of DRC and Republic of Congo" region, called "Kongo," in collaboration with UNIKIN (DRC) and/or Marien Ngouabi University (Republic of Congo); the research themes of this call are:
- The study of the Karst of Bas-Congo (DRC) and its extension into the Republic of Congo as a natural resource reservoir (specific ecosystem, water, construction materials), a zone of specific hazards (pollution, collapse...), and societal interest. Studies at DEA and doctoral levels.
- The study of Precambrian orogenic belts (petrological, thermobarometric, geochronological, and metallogenic) in Kongo Central (DRC) and the Republic of Congo to better understand the formation and remobilization sites of mineral resources including critical metals, and to better understand the paleogeography of the Congo craton in the Precambrian. Studies at DEA and doctoral levels.
- The structural study of the West-Congolian belt in the Republic of Congo and its extension into Kongo Central (DRC) and neighboring countries to understand its ductile and brittle tectonic evolution from the Precambrian to the present. Post-doctoral study over two years.

For the Lualaba section, concerning the Katanga region in collaboration with the University of Lubumbashi (UNILU); the research theme of this call is:
- Study of the local perception of the impact of extractive activities on the availability, quality, and management of water around cobalt and gold mines. Doctoral study in geosciences requiring good experience in social sciences (or possibly a training in social sciences with good experience in geosciences).

For the Comicode section, concerning the Great Lakes cross-border area, in collaboration with the Graduate School of the University of Burundi (UB); the research theme of this call is:
- The structural study of the Karagwe-Ankole belt in Burundi to determine its ductile and brittle tectonic evolution from the Precambrian to the present. This work may involve geochronological dating of metamorphism and deformations. Correlations will be made with existing data in neighboring countries. Doctoral study.

Through this call, the MRAC is initiating the process of identifying potential scholarship holders. Attached to this message, you will find the call for applications. You will see that this call is open to any professional scientist with a job; it does not target current students following the curriculum.
The research work will be carried out in close collaboration with the concerned universities where the scholarship holders will be obligatorily registered as DEA, MSc, PhD, or post-doc students in the (pre-)doctoral school for the duration of their scholarship. Candidates must also have a supervisor attached to one of the concerned universities who commits to becoming the candidate's supervisor if selected.

The response deadline for the call is relatively short; the call closes on Sunday, June 9, at 11:59 PM.
All correspondence regarding this call must be addressed to the email address: geores4dev (at)
The selection process will be in two stages:
1. Pre-selection based on the file at MRAC
2. Final selection among the shortlisted candidates, after a videoconference interview.

Those selected for the second stage will be informed by email about the follow-up procedures for the videoconference.
If you do not plan to respond to this call, please forward it to other colleagues who might be interested and who are not on the distribution list.

For more information, feel free to click here and consult the detailed document.

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