Our fellows

Status/function: Geologist - Cartographer.
Institute: University of Marien Ngouabi, Ph.D. program.
Research subject: "Inventory, mapping, and study of the karst network with analysis of its development in the Republic of Congo: Contribution to the study of the paleoclimate."

SAFARI Evelyne
Status/function: Geologist / Research-Assistant in the geology and mines research centre (CRGM- Station Sud-Kivu).
Institute: University of Burundi, Ph.D. program.
Research subject: "Geology, petrology, and geodynamic implications of the basic magmatism associated with the granitoids of the Karagwe-Ankole range, Idjwi sector, South Kivu Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo."

FURAHA Ghislain
Status/function: Administrator and geologist in Ntega Mining Burundi S.M.
Institute: University of Burundi, Ph.D. program.
Research subject: "Lithostructural control of the mineralizing fluids circulation and trapping of the transported metallic components: "tin, niobium-tantalum, tungsten and gold. Case of study: the formations of the quartzite ring of Murehe, the proximal formations in Kirundo, Ngozi and Muyinga, Republic of Burundi."

KALIKONE Christian
Statut/function: Teacher-Assistant at the Official University of Bukavu.
Institute: University of Burundi, Ph.D. program.
Research subject: "Lithostructural control of the mineralizing fluids circulation and trapping of metallic components transported in the cross-border area of Kivu (Kalehe-Idjwi-Kamanyola) -Rwanda (Kibuye) -Burundi."
Statut/function: Assistant-Professor at the department of earth sciences - University of Burundi.
Institute: University of Burundi, Ph.D. program.
Research subject: "Lithostructural control of mineralizing fluids and trapping of transported metal compounds. Case of study: the formations of Ndora - Mwokora - Kabarore - Mparamirundi (North of Burundi)."

Statut/function: Geologist.
Institute: CRGM, DEA.
Research subject: "Field study and petrological study of the Paleoproterozoic rocks of the Kimeza Orogen, Kongo Central (DR Congo)."

Statut/fonction: Geologist / Teacher-Assistant.
Institut d’inscription: University of Kinshasa, DEA.
Sujet de recherche: "Study of karstic system hydrology and hydrogeology and analyzing its development in relation to the regional tectonic within the southern part of Mbanza-Ngungu, RDC."

MADHASI Brigitte
Statut/function: Geologist / Professor-Assistant at Lubumbashi University.
Institute: University of Lubumbashi, DEA.
Research subject: "Assessment of surface and groundwater contamination by metal pollutants in Lubumbashi."

Statut/function: Geologist / Professor-Assistant at Lubumbashi University.
Institute: University of Lubumbashi.
Research subject: "Sedimentological, geochemical and metallogenic study of the kyandamu formation in the Lufilian arc: lukutwe sector (katanga rep. Dem. Of the congo)."

Statut/function: Teacher-Assistant at Lubumbashi University.
Institute: University of Lubumbashi R. D. Congo, DEA.
Research subject: "Soil geochemistry in Lubumbashi city; the Democratic Republic of the Congo."

Statut/function : Assistant at Lubumbashi University.
Institute: University of Lubumbashi R. D. Congo, DEA.
Research subject: "Soils pollution in High-Katanga: inventory of Lubumbashi city and avenue of reflection for decontamination and remediation."

Statut/function: Teacher-Assistant in geology department.
Institute: University of Marien Ngouabi, Ph.D. program.
Research subject: "Tectono-structural evolution and brittle deformation compared in the western congolian supergroup (foreland of the chain) and the inkisi group on both sides of the Congo River, Republic of Congo, and the Democratic Republic of Congo."

NGALA Nadege
Statut/function: Geologist.
Institute: Geology and mines research Center - CRGM, DEA.
Research subject: "Study of karst system and analyzing its underground development in the south of Mbanza-Ngungu region, RDC. Contribution to the paleoclimate studies."

NGOY Théophile
Statut/function : Teacher-Assistant at Lubumbashi Universityi.
Institute: University of Lubumbashi R. D. Congo, DEA.
Research subject: “Cartography and environmental impact of artisinal mines exploitation of Cu-Co in meridional Katanga (Likasi city).”

Statut/function: Geologist
Institute: Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board, Master of research.
Research subject: “Geological mapping in Eastern part of Rwanda (1/50,000) and verification of lithostratigraphical control of minerals as result of fluid circulation trapped.”

Statut/fonction: Geologist.
Institute: University of Marien Ngouabi, PhD program.
Sujet de recherche: “ Study of hydrological network within a karstic system in the Republic of Congo. Relationship between the water streams and the structural directions within the Bouenza karstic area.”

Statut/function: Teacher-Assistant
Institute: University of Kinshasa, DEA.
Research subject:

Statut/fonction: Teacher-Assistant.
Institut d’inscription: University of Bukavu, DEA.
Sujet de recherche: " Lithostructural control of the mineralizing fluids and the trapped, transported metallic components relates to the regional geology of the Mézo-néoprotozoique Karagwe Ankole.
Case of study: Ngweshe-Luwinja-Burhinyi in South-Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo."