Democratic Republic of the Congo Field mission - February 2023

Field mission



As part of the GeoRes4Dev project - Kongo component, the scientific team from the MRAC, in collaboration with scientists in the DRC, organized a field mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

During a 10-day period in February 2023, two MRAC scientists, the local promoter, as well as the fellows, partnered to conduct a field mission in the karstic zone of Mbanza-ngungu. Together, they worked closely to ensure the quality and relevance of the collected data.

- Two seminars were organized to address different topics in karstology, such as topography and cave monitoring techniques. These seminars allowed for a deeper understanding of these subjects.
- Two of our fellows also had the opportunity to explore and study karstic sites in the region for their dissertations. We were also accompanied in the field by an anthropologist.
- A meeting was held with the UNESCO scientific officer in the DRC and the RC, organized in Kinshasa to discuss the importance of the GeoRes4Dev project in the creation of a Geopark in Central Africa.
- A meeting was held with professors at the University of Kinshasa to discuss the progress of the fellows and the continuity of the collaboration within the framework of the GeoRes4Dev project.

List of participants :

Roland Kakule, LUTETE Junior, NGALA NadegeImen Arfaoui, Pascale Lahogue.


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