Papers |
Hardy Medry Dieu-Veill Nkodia, Timothée Miyouna, Folarin Kolawole, Florent Boudzoumou, Alan Patrick Rodeck Loemba, Nicy Carmel Bazebizonza Tchiguina, Damien Delvaux. Seismogenic Fault Reactivation in Western Central Africa: Insight From Regional Stress Analysis. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems research article, 2022. |
Poster |
Pascale LAHOGUE, Imen ARFAOUI, Nicy BAZEBIZONZA, Prefina SAMBA, Hardy NKODIA, Nadège NGALA NTAMBWE, Junior LUTETE, Florent BOUDZOUMOU, Damien DELVAUX. Mission géologique de terrain 2022 dans le karst du Congo Brazzaville. Journées spéléologiques scientifiques, 19 - 20 novembre 2022, Han-Sur-Lesse, Belgique. |
Damien Delvaux, Pascale Lahogue, Imen Arfaoui, Thierry de Putter, Hardy Nkodia, Florent Boudzoumou, Elvis I. Kongota, Gloire Ganza. Tectonic control of the geomorphology in West-Congo: implications for the Lower Congo River development. Science days 2022, 18 et 19 Octobre 2022, Musée royal d'Afrique centrale. |
Pascale LAHOGUE, Imen ARFAOUI, Damien DELVAUX, Nicy BAZEBIZONZA, Nadège NGALA, Junior LUTETE, Prefina SAMBA, Ange THIJENIRA, Hardy NKODIA, Florent BOUDZOUMOU, Roland KAKULE. Karst systems studies in central Kongo (DRC) and Niari-Bouenza (RC). Science days 2022, 18 et 19 Octobre 2022, Musée royal d'Afrique centrale. |
Anouk Borst, Thierry de Putter, Pascale Lahogue, Max Fernandez-Alonso, Damien Delvaux, Daniel Baudet, Gerard Nimpagaritse, Fortune Tolumba, Florias Mees, Stijn Dewaele, Jolan Acke, Christian Kalikone, Lee Fred Kezimana, Ghislain Furaha, Alain Ntenge, Evelyne Safari Nakito, Nathanael Toussaint. Critical Mineral Resources in Central Africa: Geology and Extraction. Science days 2022, 18 et 19 Octobre 2022, Musée royal d'Afrique centrale. |
Pascale Lahogue, Jean-Marc Herpers, Franck Theeten, Didier Van den Spiegel, Max Fernandez-Alonso. GeoDaRWIN, an Open-Source Geological Data Management Tool. Science days 2022, 18 et 19 Octobre 2022, Musée royal d'Afrique centrale. |
Imen ARFAOUI, Nicy BAZEBIZONZA, Ange THIJENIRA, Nadège NGALA, Junior LUTETE, Prefina SAMBA, Hardy NKODIA, Florent BOUDZOUMOU, Roland KAKULE, Damien DELVAUX, Pascale LAHOGUE. New inventoried Karst systems in Central Africa and preliminary paleoclimate proxy analysis applied speleothems from Central Africa. "Climate Change, The Karst Record IX (KR9)" 17 au 20 Juillet 2022, Université de Innsbruck, Autriche. |
Conférences |
Borst, A.M., Acke, J., van der Does, L, Goodship, A., Kwizera, D. (2022) 3Ts and Li-batteries: Regional zonation and Li potential of rare metal pegmatites in the Great Lakes Region of Central Africa, Goldschmidt Conference Hawaii 2022. |
Imen ARFAOUI and Frédéric Boulvain (2021) Sedimentology and Microfacies assessment of Ypresian carbonate formations in the Tellian zone (NW of Tunisia), Geologica Belgica 2021, Septembre 15-18, Tervuren, Belgique – Abstract Book, p. 151. |
Damien DELVAUX, Francesca MADDALONI, Magdala TESAURO, Carla BRAITENBERG (2021) Structure and evolution of the Congo Basin: long-lived record of tectonic and climatic events during the last Billion years. Geologica Belgica 2021, Septembre 15-18, Tervuren, Belgium – Abstract Book, p. 161 |
Pascale LAHOGUE, Ange THIJENIRA (2021) State of knowledge on Kongo Central karst, DRC.Geologica Belgica Meeting 2021, Septembre 15-18, Tervuren, Belgique – Abstract Book, p. 230. |
Lee Fred KEZIMANA1, Louis NAHIMANA2, Gérard NIMPAGARITSE, (2021) Tentative de décomplexification du complexe de Zina-Randa (Nord-Ouest du Burundi), Geologica Belgica 2021, Septembre 15-18, Tervuren, Belgique – Abstract Book, p. 56. |
C. KALIKONE, G. FURAHA, L. KEZIMANA, C. NZOLANG, G. NIMPAGARITSE, D. DELVAUX, J. BATUMIKE, R. RUMANYA, E. MUNYALI, H. FAKAGE, D. BAUDET, L. NAHIMANA, S. DEWAELE (2021) Tentative de décomplexification du complexe de Butare: ses extrémités NW et SE respectivement à Kalehe et Idjwi à l'Est de la RDC et à Zina-Randa et Cohoha au Nord du Burundi, Geologica Belgica 2021, September 15-18, Tervuren, Belgique – Abstract Book, p. 52. |
Nkodia, H.M.D.V, Miyouna, T., Boudzoumou, F., Delvaux, D., (2021). Integration of flower structures in strike-slip fault damage zones classification – examples from the West-Congo belt and foreland. EGU General Assembly 26–30 April 2021, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 23, EGU21-7016. Session TS12.2 – Three-dimensional characteristics of geological structures. présentation virtuelle PICO. |
Nkodia, H.M.D.V, Delvaux, D., Boudzoumou, F., Miyouna, T. (2021). Paleostress reconstruction of brittle deformation in the foreland part of the West Congo Belt, Republic of Congo and Republic Democratic of Congo. VIRTUAL AGM 2021 Tectonic Studies Group, UK. |
Nkodia, H.M.D.V, Miyouna, T., Boudzoumou, F.,Ibarra-Gnianga, A., Delvaux, D., (2021). A progressive episode of deformation in the foreland of the West-Congo Belt: From folding to brittle shearing, in Republic of Congo. EGU General Assembly 26–30 April 2021, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 23, EGU21-10949. Session TS7.1: Dynamics and structural evolution of fold-and-thrust belts: From nature to models across spatial and temporal scales. présentation virtuelle PICO. |
Furaha, G., Nahimana, L., Nimpagaritse, G., Delvaux, D., Dewaele, S., Lacroiix, B.J., Lahondes, D., 2020. First attempt on the structural and lithostratigraphic control of Sn-Nb-Ta-W and Au mineralization in the Karagwe-Ankole belt (NE Burundi, East Africa). GSA 2020 Connects Online, Paper 25-10, 10.1130/abs/2020AM-359202. |
Nkodia, H.M.D.V., Miyouna, T., Delvaux, D., Boudzoumou, F., 2020. Flower structures in sandstones of the Paleozoic Inkisi Group (Brazzaville, Republic of Congo): evidence for two major strike-slip fault systems and geodynamic implications. South African Journal of Geology 123(4), 531-550. doi: 10.25131/sajg.123.0038. |